About RDeF

RDeF - RDF Training and Demonstration Framework

RDeF is a Python framework for creating interactive stories based on RDF triples. In stories, players build their own knowledge base from RDF triples hidden in scenes and uncover new findings by querying this knowledge base with SPARQL requests. The objective of this framework is to provide students who are interested in Linked Data a prosumer platform to train their RDF and SPARQL skills. Stories are saved as RDF documents and can be easily exchanged with others.


The objective of this framework is to give students an easy and enteraining tool to train their RDF and SPARQL skills.


In contrast to SQL and relational databases, training material for Linked Data with the standards RDF and SPARQL is scarce. With RDeF this Scarcity can be encountered by enabling students to create training material on their own.


RDeF is open-source and published under the MIT Licence.


RDeF is a joint project between the Chair of Information Systems, especially Technical Information Systems and the Chair of Accounting and Auditing at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg.

Project Funding

This project was partially funded by the “Innovationsfonds Lehre 2021/22” of Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg.